>> Let's get straight to what the OXYGEN does really well and that is the bass. Plenty of sub-bass level without neglecting the mid-bass, respectively there is a slight focus, which is a bit contradictory to HARMAN. In the upper bass it drops a bit, with a smooth transition to the midrange. The bass has punch, body and is also noticeable when the track delivers it. Due to the choice of drivers the dynamics are also a clear advantage and one never has the feeling that there is a lack of bass, but also not that it is too much. Just right for me, to the point and naturally. Subjectively, I find hardly any tonal errors in this area and also overall with the OXYGEN. The bass doesn't steal anyone's thunder, but doesn't put itself under a bushel either, but it could create a bit more pressure.
When talking about the HARMAN curve, the somewhat brighter tuning in the mids and also the accentuation of some instruments and partly the voices are sometimes "criticized", which can become unpleasant in the worst case. Well, the OXYGEN can't be denied this, but the question is also how the driver handles it technically and I find that this bothers me much more, for example with the STARFIELD. The OXYGEN gets by with the same signature with less negative hardness and sounds more relaxed, despite the same tuning. I find voices on the OXYGEN absolutely correct in tone, even if they can seldom be a bit demanding. Here one should have the volume in mind.
The voices are placed in front of the mix, but in the panorama they are wonderfully enclosed by the instruments, with a realistic separation. The mids manage to combine lightness, volume and naturalness with a slight bright alignment, which makes the OXYGEN appear very airy and spatial. This all sounds very positive, but through the Pink Glasses I can still see the somewhat too researched upper mids and I would like to exchange some of the relaxedness for a little more assertiveness of the lower mids.
The highs are very resolving and transparent, but can tolerate and forgive weaker sources without losing detail and naturalness. Nevertheless, I'd like to go a bit more directly to the point here, even though I appreciate the smooth but competent manner just as much. I think in the high frequencies most minds are divided and it is always difficult to make everyone happy. Before I have to take the in-ear out again after 5 minutes with an earache, but I can imagine that I've heard every micro detail, I prefer to swim in more relaxed waters and accept a couple of deductions. Please don't stone me now, I am also aware through my own experiences that a high resolution high tone is not immediately accompanied by earache and migraine, but here one quickly finds oneself in a completely different price range. The highs perform extremely well for their class, don't hide anything and surprise you with fine micro details every now and then.. <<
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